Can you guess the book from its quotes?

Given the love for quotes, how would you fare if you attempted to guess name the book based on its quotes?

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Guess the book from its quotes

Y’all know I am obsessed with quotes from books. I mean who isn’t right? But seriously, if you do you should take look at some of my favorites.

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Let’s chat

Can you guess the book from its quotes? What is your score? Do you like taking bookish quizzes? Leave your reply as a comment below.


  1. Super fun! Almost perfect and I knew right as I clicked it was wrong! That is what ego does… it trips you up! Love this though Gayathri! I’d love to see another longer and harder one. ❀️

  2. I’ve only read three books from the ones mentioned I think, but I still managed to get 6/10 since you picked some pretty classic quotes. β™₯

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